I didn't have much in the way of purchases to show you in my Yarndale 2014 post. There were so many things there that took my fancy but I found it all a little overwhelming and I came home with fairly empty bags. Mick, on the other hand, did quite well. He watched closely what I was admiring and went off shopping on his own, only for some things from Yarndale to turn up in my Christmas stocking.
One of the things which I fell in love with on the day was needle felting. There was so much of it shown around the show, it really caught my attention. I loved all the little felt animals on jennymade's stand so I was thrilled to bits to find that Mick had bought me this needle felt hare kit.
A couple of purchases I did make myself, but which I couldn't share on my blog at the time, were a couple of needle felting kits I bought as Christmas gifts. This is the one I bought for Eleanor.
She's already started it and has managed to make the ball shape for the head, but it's been put on standby while she does her exams, she's had mocks all this week and last week, but now they're over I'm sure she'll get back on with it.
I've been wanting an apron for ages, I'm so messy in the kitchen and I get whatever I'm cooking all down my clothes. I came across the Quince Pie stand but there was such a wonderful choice of designs that I couldn't make up my mind. Mick made his mind up though and bought me this one in a fabulous sheep print for Christmas.
I stood admiring the Edward's Menagerie animals for ages wondering if I should buy Kerry Lord's book or not.
I've never read or followed a crochet pattern before so I thought it would probably be too hard for me and decided against. Mick obviously has more faith in me than I do myself as not only did the book turn up in my Christmas stocking but so did the most beautiful ball of Toft Alpaca yarn.
I did know that these ceramic pig earrings would be in my stocking as Mick bought them while I was there. I love all things pig so I just had to have these, they're so cute.
I may not have bought very much myself when I attended Yarndale, but I've now got plenty of things to remind me of a wonderful day out.
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