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January Photo Challenge Day 20: Retail Therapy ♥

Day 20 is Retail Therapy.  This is a tough one because I haven't really bought anything in a while.  By the time January rolls around the last thing I want to do is go shopping.  However, when I think about retail therapy, I don't necessarily think of clothing.  For me, it's more about treats for myself that make me feel good.  The last item I bought for myself was when I was Christmas shopping.  I picked up this big, brown pillow for my bed. Why, you ask?  I've been wanting one of these for so long! I'm not in love with the color, but it doesn't even matter.  It's soft (chenille) and cozy and very comfortable when I'm reading in bed.  I pair this with my heated blanket (see day 11 :)  and a good book and I'm set for the evening ♥
On a side note can you believe it's January 20th already? Where has this month gone?  I am really enjoying this photo challenge! It gives me a focus for the day and something to blog about.  With the month almost coming to an end I am starting to think about another challenge for February.... ideas?

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