Iced Banoffi mush.... the other day Sue over at Our New Life in the Country was using up some over ripe bananas by blending them and freezing them to make a sort of frozen dessert, so I thought I would have a go as these bananas were rapidly getting past their best. Sue stirred a toffee sauce into hers and I didn't have any so used this bar of Caramel.
I mushed the bananas and melted the chocolate in the tub I was going to use for freezing.
All stirred up and I'm not quite sure about it.
Frozen SOLID, I had to microwave it a bit to get it out of the tub!
It was very very sweet and really not to my taste, hubby didn't like it at all. I wish I had made banana muffins and eaten the chocolate!! Sorry Sue but its not something I will make again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But, we do love frozen soft fruits whizzed up with plain yogurt to make a yogurty ice cream.These are the Yogurt Ice Creams we enjoy in Cyprus.... yum!!
And lastly our Yellow Stickered Sausage & Mash . The Cheddar Mash I bought yesterday was lovely and the sausages really meaty, I used a C0lemans mix for the sauce and there are enough sausages and sauce left for tea tomorrow with some new potatoes and veg.
Tonights meal worked out at 85p each excluding the beans which were from the garden.
Other jobs today included weeding the raised beds, washing and getting it dry outside as it might just rain tomorrow. I hate to say it but, the gardens really do need it and the barrels could do with topping up.
Friday tomorrow and housework day......
Take Care and thank you for popping by
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